Tarot (2024)
“Tarot” unfolds as a series of seven omniverse horror episodes delving into mysterious events that could be part of anyone’s everyday life, all centered around the theme of tarot cards. The plot kicks off as the main characters each receive different tarot cards, and in that moment, find their destinies cursed by the twisted tarot cards.
Director: Ashbun [애쉬번]
Country: Korean
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2024
Genres: Horror, Investigation, Miniseries, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Web Series
Starring: Ham Eun Jeong, Jo Yeo Jeong, Kim Jin Yeong, Kim Seong Tae, Ko Kyoo Pil, Lee Joo Bin, Lee Moon Shik, Oh Yoo Jin, Park Ha Seon, Seo Ji Hoon
love the drama
Where are the episodes??😔